Creating backlinks for seo

SEO: What You Must Know Before Creating Backlinks for SEO

With SEO,you can choose to rank for a particular keyword, and you may or may not get it right!

I started a certain blog of mine ( 3 months ago, as someone that has experience,I did my usual SEO Optimization once,and when the blog was weeks old,I almost rank for any keyword I touch.

Some of it was on First page #6, And now its 3 months ago, some of it are in #1.

Most times we misinterpret SEO when it comes to creating backlinks for Seo, and I’m her to interpret it right.

 Creating Backlinks For SEO

There are many ranking signals available, and Google also announced backlinks as one of its ranking signals.

Meanwhile,I wasn’t surprised.

If you’re going for a competitive keyword, you need quality backlinks to see your post in the promise land.

Atleast #1 to #15 is managable, which consists of first & second page.

Sometimes,It no longer depends on the CONTENT IS KING. It all depends on the quality links pointing to it, that’s if its a competitive keyword.

Perhaps,there are some keywords you can rank for without the need for backlinks if you used other ranking signals available.

You can also rank for a keyword without backlinks if its Less competitive nor receives higher monthly searches!

Majority thinks that blog commenting is helping you to gather more backlinks for your blog,their by boosting your online presence in search engines.

Some even venture into Spamming!

I was once allowing comments on my bog without moderation, until I was fed up deleting spammy comments.
I then turned the moderation on once again and activated a WordPress plugin called Akismet!
Some will even go as far as using the Comment name space as their blog name. 
I wonder if they don’t have a name.

Trying to get backlinks via comments,or leaving your blog link at the end of each comment adds no VALUE when it comes to SEO.

Unless you’re trying to create “Brand Awareness“!

Any backlinks coming from comments adds to VALUE nor BOOSTS your search engine presence in Google searches!

Google ONLY recognizes backlinks from the person’s page and blog post!

Any Backlinks coming from comments adds no VALUE to SEO!Click To Tweet

If blog commenting works,why would serious bloggers spend time writing GUEST POST just to make sure their blog link appears in the author box
on the blog post?

So, stop wasting your time if your aim is to boost your online
presence via commenting on people’s posts!

If you got a quality backlink, which happens to be linking back to one of your posts or home page.
and luckily…
The backlink came from the
person’s page (Maybe resource page etc) or blog post ( maybe giving reference) then that’s a very good step and a great
achievement,therefore,consider a search engine boost from Google.

I noticed this was one of the popular ways people create their backlinks.

Such tactics is long way gone! No VALUE, unless “Brand Awareness“, Just like I mentioned before.

There are many ways to create natural and working backlinks, which can appear in the person’s page or blog post so you could rank for them
via your keyword in Search engines.

I wrote a detailed article about creating backlinks and ranking a keyword with Guest Posting.

Meanwhile, change your pattern of creating backlinks in other to rank for a keyword/blog post,commenting doesn’t work now!

Author: Joy Okoro

Hey, I'm Joy, a writer and a self taught blogger who loves to explore the innovation of blogging related things.

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