Have you been having hard time speeding up your site loading time? To speed up your site load time ain’t a big deal. In this guide, you will know exactly how to speed up site load time by 265% using cloudflare.
Delay in a website load time discourages visitors from staying further. Normally, if a visitor spends more than 10 seconds on a site, it’s already discouraging.
Today, I want to discuss on how to speed up site load time by 265% using Cloudflare.
I used this method on this blog and the site load speed has been better, and below are the results.
Normal Site Load Speed
Site Load Speed After Installing CloudFlare & W3 WP Cache
The outcome was awesome and I will share same process with you.
What’s the secret? I used cloudflare, and you can also do same with your blog, but hey, it’s FREE and you don’t have to purchase any hosting plan neither do you have to switch to a hosting plan.
As a matter of fact, it works on top of your host, but you will replace your current nameservers with the one cloudflare will give you and it doesn’t or affect anything.
What Is CloudFlare?
Cloudflare, Inc. is a U.S company that provides content delivery network services, DDos mitigation, internet security and distributed domain name server services.
Cloudflare’s services sit between the visitor and the cloudflare user’s hosting provider, acting as a reverse proxy for websites.
Cloudflare does not only speed up your website but offers high capacity to mitigate the attack and protect your website from DDos attack.
Cloudflare protects and accelerates any website online. Once your website is a part of the cloudless community, it’s web traffic is routed through their intelligent global network. They automatically optimize the delivery of your web pages so your visitors get the fastest page load times and the best performance.
The Beginning…
Now, you have a little idea of what and how cloudflare works, and today, I will show you how to take advantage of this.
To do this, you must have a WordPress blog (self hosted). Because, we will be doing this directly from our WordPress hosting cpanel.
So, if you’re not yet on WordPress, or you want to migrate from blogger to WordPress and you need a help. Click here to contact us.
Now, if you’ve already got a WordPress blog, head over to your dashboard and stay at your cpanel and wait for me! wink!!
A lot of people has been awaiting for this post and here it is, at the end, you would be to reduce your website load time.
How To Speed Up Site Load Time – Step 1
1.Go-to Your Hosting cPanel
After few minutes, you can check your domain over at “Whois.com/whois/theprofany.com” replace the red letters with your website name and you’ll see something like below :
And that’s it. Your site is currently hosted on Cloudflare.
To add more spice and speed up your website, install a WordPress plugin called “W3 WP Cache” and activate it.
Now wait for few hours, and checkout your website speed at tools.pingdom.com and see if it was helpful to you.
If you want your visitors to fall in love with your site load speed, then I advice you go ahead and follow the steps I outlined in this enormous post.
After following the steps, test your website speed with the website I recommended above and see your website’s loading speed improvement, you’ll notice you’ve speed up site load speed by 265% using cloudflare and W3 Total Cache.
Don’t forget to share if it was helpful. 🙂
Thanks very much joy. I have been waiting for this post.
Lol, I made it for you and other bloggers who might need it.
Cool. Thanks a lot for this amazing speed optimization tips.
I’m glad you liked it. 🙂
Thank you Joy for this wonderful post. Its really helpful
I’m glad you liked it, James.
Wow Nice post! But those cache plugin consumes server bandwidth sha
This is incredible, been looking for a way ti reduce my load time. Thanks for this
thanks a lot for it help
Wow, I’m enlightened with your credible post. Shalom…
Thanks, Joy. This guide was indeed helpful.
Website speed also helps SEO
never knew cloudflare could be useful in speeding up a site to this extent. this is an eye opener. was thinking jetpack is ok for speeding up site load. thanks for this article.
i think i will try this cloudflare of a thing. seems lots of website is using it. hope to get better load speed from cloudflare. thanks for the tutorial.