Why do some websites and servers crash all of a sudden ?
This has been some questions people ask,especially those that want to set up their websites in the nearest future to avoid the mistakes.
I’m sure there are so many reasons,but I will quickly tell you the most important reasons websites and servers crash.
When someone tries to access a website and due to some certain reasons the site doesn’t get displayed,then we say it’s a websites and server crash.
The server is just a hardware with a lot of software program contains a list of codes necessary to make the website/data’s available to users.
When the server gets down,It prevents the users from accessing it due to a large queue.
Imagine bulk of people trying to get into the small doorway there by blocking others as well who is recently approaching the gate.
The server crashes are common in that case,and it’s part of business.
If you find any of these issues,your website or server would be termed as down or crashed and will hinder visitors from penetrating.
Some of the possible causes are :
- Hardware problems
- Configuration error
- System overload
- Network problems
Hardware Problems :
Those who are new to business and own a website(s) for the first time think that it is the RAM, processors or hard disk that is causing the problems,but this is not so.
If it was true,every website would be running absolutely fine.
Only the disk drives are the culprits. These fail sometimes, that cause the problems.
Configuration Error :
Bugs are also found due to wrong techniques of configuration.
One must always have backups so as to avoid scenarios like permanent deleted due to manual mistakes.
The server needs to be configured again with the help of those who are experienced in handling bugs.
System Overload :
Imagine your website all of a sudden gains popularity which is indeed a good news and a nightmare at the same time.
Good news is because finally your business is about to grow
and a nightmare because your server no longer is able to handle the growing attention of users,ultimately leading to crash.
Network Problem :
Whenever users try to open a specific website,they are not able to do so because of the slow internet connectivity.
So,in such a case, this is not the fault of servers but rather at the client’s side.
How to Avoid Websites and Servers Crash
If your website design is strong and built on a sturdy server,you
shouldn’t normally have to worry about its reliability.
Keep daily backups :
Always keep daily backups of the website’s files,including all data base being used.
If the site crashes,having a recent backup will ensure the site content will remain current.
Keep all website software :
Keep all website software like content management systems,showing carts,message boards etc. up to date with their latest versions.
Sometimes bugs or security holes are found in older versions which can cause a website to crash or operate unexpectedly.
Contact the web hosting company :
Contact the web hosting company and find out more about their uptime policies and guarantees.
They may offer credits towards your host fee if the site goes down.
Always check your bandwidth consumption :
Sometimes when you have over-used the bandwidth you purchased,It makes your server to go down.
Particularly when,you start to have lots and lots of visitors on your website and it happens your bandwidth can’t accommodate them,then your server crashes.
Now,typically when we say a server is down,what it means is that the program that is designed to respond to requests from the network is not doing so.
Great Content! Thanks for the Heads up